Vedic Mathematics is highly fast, simple & effective tool for carrying out basic arithmetics like subtraction, multiplication, division, squaring, cubing, finding square roots & cube roots, etc. Vedic Mathematics techniques can be divided in 2 basic techniques – General and Specific techniques. General method can be applied to any set of numbers whereas Specific method can be applied to specific numbers depending on their face value or position of each number. So it is very important to know both general and specific techniques to use Vedic Mathematics effectively.
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Replacing our Regular (Usual) school taught techniques with Vedic Mathematics is never going to be possible but for mental calculations & for those exams where one cannot afford to spend much time, I feel these techniques should be known and practiced on regular basis.
The name ‘Vedic Mathematics’ will make someone to assume that this branch of mathematics have some relations with Vedas but many Indian scholars have proved that it has no roots from Vedas and since then the name ‘Vedic Mathematics’ have been contradictory. But the techniques used in it are genuinely effective when it comes to doing Math mentally or on paper in lesser steps. But even after knowing the power of techniques, Vedic Mathematics, sadly and surprisingly, is hardly taught in schools and colleges.
Tirthaji claimed that he found the sutras after years of studying the Vedas , a set of sacred ancient Hindu scriptures. However, the Vedas do not contain any of the “Vedic mathematics” sutras.
U have any published book?
By referring these sutras can i get all concepts of vedic maths?is there any published book of urs
Hi Monika,
Sorry for late reply. As of now I have not published any book.
But here, you can learn all the sutras of Vedic Mathematics.
Hope you would enjoy learning Vedic Mathematics